The handbook  PARLER FRANÇAIS©     


French Version: PARLER FRANÇAIS©  

Spanish Version : HABLAR FRANCÉS©


 This method of learning French is designed for non-French complete beginners, even those who never heard a single word of spoken French in their homelands.

 The method is also designed for those who speak a little French, even rather well, either due to physical proximity with France, or because they studied French a long time ago and now want to master the language. 

 This manual was conceived primarily for those who are well established in their profession or specialization

and who now have a need to PARLER FRANÇAIS© (SPEAK FRENCH) and write it with the greatest elegance and precision possible,

while disposing of very little time to devote to training.

In clear lively language, using every day words, here is a SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION of the mechanism of this beautiful difficult language.


 This method will allow you to understand and integrate the logic of French, often very different from other languages.


Numbers, colors, tables and graphics will help you clearly conceive the structure being built, (with you) piece by piece. 


From the simplest sentence (rapidly acquired) to the most complex (quickly built with the tools you have in hand and materials


that are well-identified and well-organized), you will be amazed that you UNDERSTAND the ‘why’ of French sentences.


Memorizing becomes automatic.


 In this book, the author presents the original French language training method that she has successfully used for over decades

with participants from all over Europe, America, and Asia.


Dr. Dannhauser developed this training method by responding to the pertinent and impertinent questions that the participants have asked and continue to ask her.


It is these questions – yours – that so often set the tempo of the book. 


 To fail to provide the correct answer, short and complete, illustrated by numerous graphic examples, at the exact time the question comes up,

could cause great frustration to the student.  That is the opposite of the initial objective, which is to speak the most correctly and fluidly possible.


Often the author finds answers, funny if possible, among the ideas, behavior, and history relating to the French people,

in order to explain certain curiosities of the mechanics of words, their roots, or their positions in sentences. 


As the learner smiles, this allows him or her to record all the elements of the French language, so complex at first sight.



Dr. Monique Dannhauser is French, she is a professional coach for the French language since 50 years. 

She founded and runs CEFLE-FRANCE, her French language training center, based in Strasbourg.


Her education: Thesis French language. Master Degree French, B.A. French language, and B.A. Political Sciences.


Her Thesis was published in French under the title “De la France à l’Allemagne” and in German as “Aus Frankreich nach Deutschland.


This work deals with the knowledge transfer of educators, called to moving from one culture to another and enriching each other.


Dr. Dannhauser was teaching at Université d'AIX-MARSEILLE (France) the course on European Politics.


She also prepared candidates for the National Administrative Examination at University (Institut d’Études politiques)

while continuing her work as language coach, her priority.


PARLER FRANCAIS© is the fruit of this double university education.


But above all, it came forth from her daily coaching experience in large and small businesses,


institutions, universities, as well as to University professors, surgeons, engineers, technicians,


researchers, and artists around the entire world. 


These specialists, internationally recognized in their fields, have awarded Dr. Monique Dannhauser their full confidence to help them acquire the French language.




Monique Dannhauser

Published by CEFLE-FRANCE






Copyright 2024.    Tous droits réservés pour tous pays : Monique Dannhauser    CEFLE-FRANCE